Images of Conviction
So present, so invisible: Conversations on photography
David Campany
Public, Private, Secret: On Photography and the Configuration of Self
Charlotte Cotton
Sick Photography
Maija Tammi
The Digital Eye: Photographic Art in the Electronic Age
The Photograph That Took The Place Of A Mountain
Taco Hidde Bakker
Augmented Photography
Girl on Girl: Art and Photography in the Age of the Female Gaze
Charlotte Jansen
Photomediations (Liquid Books)
Kamila Kuc (Editor), Joanna Zylinska (Editor)
Thinking Photography (Communications and Culture)
Victor Burgin (Editor)
The Uncanny Familiar: Images of Terror
Aleida Assmann (Author), Friedrich von Borries (Author), Clément Chéroux (Author), Michael Diers (Author), Felix Hoffmann (Editor)
The Photographic Object 1970
Mary Statzer (Editor)
Life in the Age of Drone Warfare
Lisa Parks (Editor), Caren Kaplan (Editor)
Photography and Collaboration: From Conceptual Art to Crowdsourcing
Daniel Palmer
Group f.64: Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, and the Community of Artists Who Revolutionized American Photography
Mary Street Alinder (Author)
Framing Community: Magnum Photos: 1947 – Present
Maria Antonella Pelizzari (Editor)
The Still Point of the Turning World: between film and photography
Lens-Based Sculpture
Michel Frizot (Author), Ursula Frohne (Author), Friedemann Malsch (Author), Dietmar Rübel (Author), Annette Tietenberg (Author), Bogomir Ecker (Editor), Raimund Kummer (Editor), Angela Lammert (Editor), Herbert Molderings (Editor)
Film Stills
Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Editor), Walter Moser (Editor)
Mix & Match: Exploring Contemporary Collage
Sandu Publishing
Photography Is Magic
Charlotte Cotton
Photography Today: A History of Contemporary Photography
Mark Durden
Imprint — Visual Narratives In Books And Beyond
Gerry Badger
Pandora’s Box: Jan Dibbets on Another Photography
Jan Dibbets
Super Vision
Nicholas Baume
Alternative Photographic Processes: Crafting Handmade Images (Alternative Process Photography)
Brady (photographer, artist, and Adjunt Faculty at Frederick Community College, MD) Wilks (Autor)
Nonhuman Photography: Theories, Histories, Genres
Joanna Zylinska
To See Without Being Seen: Contemporary Art and Drone Warfare
Svea Braunert (Author), Meredith Malone (Author)
Photography Beyond Technique: Essays from F295 on the Informed Use of Alternative and Historical Photographic Processes (Alternative Process Photography)
Tom Persinger
Badlands : New Horizons in Landscape
Denise Markonish (Author), Joseph Thompson (Author)
Snapshot Photography : The Lives of Images
Catherine Zuromskis
Loving Big Brother: Surveillance Culture and Performance Space
John Mcgrath
Believing Is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography
Errol Morris
Perception and Imaging: Photography as a Way of Seeing
Richard D. Zakia (Author), John Suler (Author)
Фотография. Между документом и современным искусством
Андре Руйе
Теории софткультуры
Манович Л.
In the Vernacular: Photography of the Everyday
Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw (Author), Ross Barrett (Author)
Composite Landscapes: Photomontage and Landscape Architecture
James Corner (Author), Annette Freytag (Author), Charles Waldheim (Editor), Andrea Hansen (Editor), James Ackerman (Contributor)
Art Photography
David Bate
цифровое искусство
кристина пол
Augmented Photography
More than One: Photographs in Sequence (Princeton University Art Museum Series)
Joel Smith (Editor, Contributor), Anne McCauley (Contributor), Kelly Baum (Contributor), Kevin Moore (Contributor), Peter Barberie (Contributor)
Ego Update: A History of the Selfie
Alain Bieber (Editor)
Images of Conviction: The Construction of Visual Evidence
Christian Delage (Author), Thomas Keenan (Author), Tomasz Kizny (Author), Luce Lebart (Author), Anthony Petiteau (Author), Eyal Weizman (Author), Diane Dufour
Photography as Fiction
Erin C. Garcia
Between the Eyes
David Levi Strauss and John Berger
Shape of Evidence
Sophie Berrebi
Photobook Phenomenon
Moritz Neumüller and Vicenç Villatoro
Reading Photographs
Richard Salkeld
The Photography Book
Editors of Phaidon Press
Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture
Mark Dorrian and Frédéric Pousin
Digital Snaps: The New Face of Photography
Jonas Larsen and Mette Sandbye
Words Not Spent Today
David Levi Strauss
The Edge of Vision
Lyle Rexer
Words Without Pictures
Alex Klein and Charlotte Cotton
Train Your Gaze
Roswell Angier
Photography Theory in Historical Perspective
Hilde Van Gelder and Helen Westgeest
Understanding Photobooks
Jorg Colberg
Visual Methods in the Field
Terence Heng
Glitch Art in Theory and Practice
Michael Betancourt
Performing the Archive
Simone Osthoff
Photo-Poetics: An Anthology
Jennifer Blessing
Photography, Cinema, Memory
Damian Sutton
Failed it!
Erik Kessels
The Documentary Impulse
Stuart Franklin
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography
Nathalie Herschdorfer
Twentieth-Century Colour Photographs
Landscape Theory
James Elkins
Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age
by Del Loewenthal
War and Photography: A Cultural History
Caroline Brothers
Invention of Hysteria
Georges Didi-Huberman
Spectral Evidence
Ulrich Baer
Death’s Showcase: The Power of Image in Contemporary Democracy
Ariella Azoulay
Фотография. Между документом и современным искусством
Андре Руйе
Техники ФотоТерапии. Иccледование секретов личных фотографий и семейных фотоальбомов
Джуди Вайзер
Фотография как шарлатанство. Опыт неосуществленной возможности
Андрей Шатохин
Emanations: the Art of the Cameraless Photograph
Geoffrey Batchen
Basics Creative Photography 02: Context and Narrative
Maria Short
Perspectives on Place: Theory and Practice in Landscape Photography
J.A.P. Alexander
Photography: The Key Concepts
David Bate
Cities and Photography
Jane Tormey
Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before
Michael Fried
Experimental Photography: A Handbook of Techniques
Luca Bendandi, Marco Antonini
Pandora’s Camera
Joan Fontcuberta
Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media
Ernst van Alphen
The Big Archive: Art From Bureaucracy
Sven Spieker
За философию фотографии
Вилем Флюссер
Camera lucida. Комментарий к фотографии
Ролан Барт
Александр Родченко / Alexander Rodchenko
Маргарита Тупицына
Фотография. Проблемы поэтики
Юрий Богомолов, Анри Вартанов
О фотографии
Сьюзен Сонтаг
Reframing the New Topographics
Greg Foster-Rice, John Rohrbach
Photography and Cinema
David Campany
The Photobook: A History, Volume III
Martin Parr, Gerry Badger
The Photobook: A History, Volume I
Martin Parr Gerry Badger
The Photobook: A History, Volume II
Martin Parr
Длинная выдержка
Александр Боровский
Популярная эстетика фотографии
Валерий Стигнеев
Art and Photography
David Campany
Фотокарточка на память: семейные истории, фотографические послания и советское детство : автобио-историо-графический роман
Игорь Владимирович Нарский
Photography and Antropology
Christopher Pinney
Photography and Science (Exposures)
Kelley Wilder
The Nature of Photographs
Stephen Shore
The Photograph as Contemporary Art
Charlotte Cotton
Photography Theory
James Elkins
In Our Own Image: The Coming Revolution in Photography
Fred Ritchin
The Photographer’s Playbook
Jason Fulford
The Photography Reader
Liz Wells
Photography Changes Everything
Marvin Heiferman
Bending the Frame: Photojournalism, Documentary, and the Citizen
Fred Ritchin
Общедоступное искусство. Опыт о социальном использовании фотографии
Пьер Бурдье, Люк Болтански, Робер Кастель, Жан-Клод Шамборедон
Фотографическое. Опыт теории расхождений
Розалинд Краусс
Техники наблюдателя
Джонатан Крэри
Фотография и современность
Глеб Пондопуло
Докдокдок в соцсетях
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