Год издания 2010
Раздел каталога История фотографии
The history of european photography (1900-2000)» is an international research project spanning the whole of Europe. The project’s aim is to publish an encyclopaedia in English (5000 copies per volume, about 600 pages per book) divided into three volumes/periods, volume 1 — 1900-1938, volume 2 — 1939-1970, volume 3 — 1971-2000. Each volume of the encyclopaedia will be organized alphabetically by country. A study on the history of photography in each country will be written by an expert on photography of that country. Alongside the main studies, each book will contain extensive additional material, biographies of mentioned photographers, and timetables marking cultural, socio-political and technical photographic events in each country for a given period. There will be two types of indices in each book: an index of mentioned photographers and an index of other historical names and subjects.
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