Photojournalism: The Professionals’ Approach

Автор Ken Kobré

Год издания 2008

Раздел каталога Образование


From the Back Cover

The sixth edition of Photojournalism: The Professionals’ Approach features penetrating interviews with leading professionals, hard-hitting photographs, and easy-to-understand technical illustrations.

From hard news, features, and sports to photo illustrations and the picture story,
in-depth case studies take readers along with working professionals as they meet on-the-job challenges-including how to capture sound and shoot video for today’s rapidly changing journalism industry.

Comprehensive law and ethics chapters provide solid insight into the challenges working pros face everyday.

And, of course, the sixth edition features the best in photojournalism-including new award-winning international picture stories, some seen for the first time-to teach and inspire those who would be photojournalists.
In addition to the new Sports Illustrated documentary, the DVD features two other short documentaries that accompany photojournalists on the job, and the final takes viewers to Visa pour L’image, the international photojournalism festival in Perpignan, France.