Автор Valentina Abenavoli
Год издания 2017
Раздел каталога Авторские фотокниги
“It is the first spark, a glimmer of assumptions, the shivering and the craving. Love arrives as nothing new, except every time it does, foolishly.” Empathy is an imaginative projection of the other, a psychological identification, not an emotional reaction. Starting from this assumption, and following the previous book Anaesthesia in which the concept of empathy is analysed as collective experience, The Harvest takes on stake the private realm, the most intimate experience with another, the act of sex and the act of love. In the unfolding of the process from falling to being in love, disguising the objectification of the other and the unbalanced power that occurs mutually in the couple, The Harvest is built like a play: the person who speaks, the person who acts, the person who experiences, and the reader, are interchangeable. The Harvest is the second chapter of an unfinished trilogy.»
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