_____ & Whip it

Автор Anna Den Drijver

Год издания 2018

Раздел каталога Авторские фотокниги

Two years after Enchanted Blossom (2016), Anna den Drijver will publish her second artist’s book _____ & Whip it in September 2018. By combining her own photographs and collages with adapted images from open sources, Den Drijver tries  to come to grips with our ever-hurried world of digital image circulation and consumption. To what extent is a deepening of understanding and quite reflection still possible within the present-day overload of images and informations? How to filter in such a way as to maintain personality? What do authorship and ownership still mean nowadays? These are some of the questions implicit to _____ & Whip it, which also includes an essay, written for the occasion by Taco Hidde Bakker, reflecting on these questions, concluding with the hopeful remark that “one day we will have learned to navigate the vast oceans of information like consummate dolphins”.