Автор Edited by Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schàpf and Gerfried Stocker.
Год издания 2005
Раздел каталога Альбомы, Без рубрики
Established in 1987, the CyberArts competition for the Prix Ars Electronica is an internationally recognized barometer of trends in contemporary media art. Previous competitions have featured a total of 25,000 works, representing contributions to the field of media and computer art by artists from around the world. In texts and illustrations, CyberArts 2005 documents works selected by an international jury as the best entries in the categories of Computer Animation/Visual Effects, Digital Music, Interactive Art, Net Vision and Digital Communities, plus the winners of “u10: freestyle computing,” a national youth competition, and the Art and Technology grant program. This substantial publication, like its yearly predecessors, is accompanied by a DVD containing clips of top computer animation and visual effects, as well as a CD featuring cuts from selected works in the Digital Music category.
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